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7 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Django File Upload

django file upload

Form processing is present on every website, and uploading files as part of the form processing is expected. It’s crucial how these files are uploaded as part of the form validation process. This Django file upload processing tutorial covers all of the techniques involved in file-level parsing in Django. 

The files that have been submitted can be retrieved, processed, saved, etc. Libraries such as storage and file system storage are helpful in the Django file upload process for storage needs. The file fields used for Django file upload are derived from the Django framework’s forms processing section.

Let’s look at seven of the most frequently asked questions about Django file upload.

How Does Django File Upload Work?

Uploading files works in the same way as any other user input. When you modify your profile picture on Facebook, you select a file from your device and upload it to Facebook’s servers. The server records the file when someone views your profile, then uploads it. You can compare the file and static content on your website.

There are several methods for Django file upload. To perform a Django file upload, we can employ models or model forms. In this case, though, we’ll use model forms.

Now let’s see how Django file upload works.

You’ll need these settings before you can utilize any file upload application. In the project’s file, add these lines beneath the STATIC FILES parameters.

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ‘media’)


MEDIA_URL = ‘media/’

Media Roots 

MEDIA ROOT is a blank string by design. It accepts the precise file path of a folder. This directory contains all of the files uploaded by a Django user.

STATIC URL and MEDIA URL both work in the same way. Django utilizes this URL instead of specifying absolute paths for files. Django automatically adjusts the URL when serving uploaded file media.

Make a Media Library.

At the design stage, construct a media directory.

The media directory would be on the same tier as the file.

We can utilize Django to build an app that can save a user’s profile. In this profile, we’ll include a photo and some basic details. In addition, we’ll develop a form for posting the image and go over some fundamental ideas for doing so with Django.

Make a Brand New Application

Next, run the command from your terminal to create a new application.

Begin installing the new app in the file.

> Python startapp profile_maker

Then, in the profile maker/ file, copy and paste the following code.

from Django.DB import models

class User_Profile(models.Model):

fname = models.CharField(max_length=200)

lname = models.CharField(max_length = 200)

technologies = models.CharField(max_length=500)

email = models.EmailField(default = None)

display_picture = models.FileField()

def __str__(self):

return self.fname

The Code’s Interpretation

A minimal user profile model has been constructed. Some fields include fname, lname, technologies, mail, and display picture. A __str__ function was also defined. This function returns the result of fname when we specify the object. The most important field is the show picture field.

A FileField is a visual image that serves as a storage location for files on the server. A FileField creates a File object with numerous properties and functions. The File object is saved in the database when a user submits a file to FileField. The file is held in the Media Root folder.

A File object is used to associate a file with an object or profile.

Filestack’s scalable infrastructure can manage billions of uploads, revisions, and downloads every second, ensuring top-notch service for customers all over the world.

Create a new file in your application. In the profile maker/ file, paste the following code:

from Django import forms

from .models import User_Profile

#DataFlair #File_Upload

class Profile_Form(forms.ModelForm):

class Meta:

model = User_Profile

fields = [







The Code’s Interpretation

Here, we’re using Model forms. These shapes are one-of-a-kind and quite functional.

Model forms’ basic principle is that their structure is drawn from models. That’s true; there’s no need to construct a form or connect it to any models. This is something we can do right now with model forms.

Modeled forms are a subtype of forms. When using the ModelForm class to create a form, we use the META class.

META requires two characteristics:


It contains the name of the model. We’ll need to integrate the User Profile model for this, which defines the structure used to generate a form. To save customer data and adequately save it in a database, use the form object.


The names of the model’s fields are listed here. It specifies the data input for the form. In this list, we additionally define the areas from the models.

Models and Forms should be imported.

In the profile maker/ file, paste this code.

from django.shortcuts import render

from .forms import Profile_Form

from .models import User_Profile

IMAGE_FILE_TYPES = [‘png’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’]

def create_profile(request):

form = Profile_Form()

if request.method == ‘POST’:

form = Profile_Form(request.POST, request.FILES)

if form.is_valid():

user_pr =

user_pr.display_picture = request.FILES[‘display_picture’]

file_type = user_pr.display_picture.url.split(‘.’)[-1]

file_type = file_type.lower()

if file_type not in IMAGE_FILE_TYPES:

return render(request, ‘profile_maker/error.html’)

return render(request, ‘profile_maker/details.html’, {‘user_pr’: user_pr})

context = {“form”: form,}

return render(request, ‘profile_maker/create.html’, context)

The points of view are obvious. We’ve integrated the models and forms into this view file. Following that, we made a list called IMAGE FILE TYPES. We utilize it to figure out what kind of file we’re dealing with.

After that, we define our role.

This function builds a form and yields a form object. Then we utilize form validation to clean up our form data. The process returns true or False. If the data in the form is valid, we can save it locally. The file type that the user uploaded is then retrieved.

Create a new templates folder. The folder pattern is profiled maker/templates/profile creator.

Remember to establish two directories. First, there’s the templates directory, followed by the profile maker database.

In profile maker/templates/profile maker, create a new file called create.html.

Paste the shortcode into create.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Make Profile</title>

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” integrity=”sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u” crossorigin=”anonymous”>




<div class=”jumbotron”>

<h1 class=”display-4″>DataFlair Django File Uploading</h1>

{% block replace %}

<p class=”lead”>To make a user profile and upload the files fill this form</p>

<hr class=”my-4″>

<form method=”POST” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>

<!– Very Important csrf Token –>

{% csrf_token %}


{{ form.as_table }}


<input type=”submit” class=”btn btn-primary btn-lg” name=”register”>



{% endblock %}



It’s a simple template that uses Bootstrap to render the form. The most crucial factor is the type form of property. We can use this attribute to transfer our data files.

We haven’t used an API to obtain the contents of an image file, despite having one. Create a new file called details.html in the same directory. Use this code to fill in the blanks:

{% extends ‘profile_maker/create.html’ %}

{% block replace %}


<div class=”jumbotron”>

<h1 class=”display-4″>Welcome to DataFlair<br>Hello {{ user_pr.fname }}</h1>

<p class=”lead”>its an awesome profile picture</p>

<hr class=”my-4″>

<img src=”{{ user_pr.display_picture.url }}” class=”image_responsive” height=”100px” width=”100px”>


{{ user_pr.display_picture.url }}<BR>

You have learned some awesome technologies like {{ user_pr.technologies }}</p>



{% endblock %}

This template is used to display the image we just supplied. We are using the user pr. Show photo in the image SRC. URL.

Open the file in your root directory and copy and paste the code once you’ve finished creating all of the files.

What is the best way to test the application?

Now it’s time to put our app to the test. Type localhost:8000/upload in the address bar.

You’ve completed the task.

Are You Ready To Go Deeper Into The World Of Django File Upload?

Django can work with files in several different ways. Django is an excellent framework because of this. It enables us to read files and do machine learning or other backend operations.

One of the ways we can submit and render files in Django is through the manner we demonstrated earlier. The strategy works well for the most part, but you can change it to suit your needs.

Filestack can make the process of Django file upload and storing files much more effortless. So, what do you have to lose? Learn more about one of the most effective file-uploading strategies with Django file upload!

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