How UX and Design Lead to Conversions

How UX and Design Lead to Conversions

Let’s face it. Historically speaking, computer programmers are often more comfortable in the digital world of 1s and 0s than they are in the real world of human interaction. Perhaps this accounts for the widespread disconnect among web designers when it comes to the area in which the digital and real worlds connect: user experience (UX).

Absolutely essential to successful website operation, user experience encompasses all aspects of visitor interaction and places a supreme emphasis on how easy and enjoyable websites are to navigate and use. In this day and age, only the most clueless of business owners could fail to see the supreme importance of taking customers exactly where they want to go, getting them there as quickly as possible, and leaving them in a pleasant and satisfied state of mind. In short, UX is all about stacking up conversions (instances of visitors completing a desired online goal).

An Important Part of Passing the 10 to 20 Second Threshold

According to a 2011 study by the Nielsen Norman Group, a visitor to any given website is extremely likely to leave that site within 10 to 20 seconds. If they stay past that critical 10 to 20 second period, however, they become far more likely to click through various features, remaining on the site not just for several more seconds, but often for several more minutes or even longer.

By providing a design framework that is instantly intuitive and highly functional, UX optimization can eliminate user frustration and keep them engaged for considerable periods of time. In fact, recent statistics show that an effective UX design overhaul can raise online visitor conversion rates by as much as 400 percent.

Don’t Fall Prey to Bad UX!

Quality UX design means structuring all website elements—from onscreen visuals and content to navigation and interface functionality—with a keen eye on overall user satisfaction. When these elements are out of place or operating poorly, it can take a heavy toll on your business. Two areas of particular concern when it comes to bad UX are bounce rate and time on site.

  • Bounce Rate – If you want to engage with online visitors and ultimately generate sales, the term “bounce rate” should affect another rate—your heart’s! Your bounce rate indicates the number of visitors who navigate away from your website after viewing a only single page. This places a great deal of pressure on your landing page (the first page that a visitor sees when he or she initially navigates to your website).
  • Time on site – Although time on site data often thrown off by users who may have simply left their browser windows open on a random page, time on site remains an essential indicator of general online success. Measuring the entire time that each visitor spends on your website, this analytic follows each internal click and page change.

Bad UX design is a common cause of both high bounce rate and low time on site. Visitors need to see a clear path to their ultimate goal, and they need to see this path right away. Otherwise they will simply give up on this goal altogether or try another site in hopes that it will be more effective. In fact, the experts at Forrester Research have determined that a poorly designed user interface can lower overall conversion rates by up to 200 percent.

UX for Uploading Files

The effects of bad UX can be particularly problematic for websites that ask their visitors to upload files. Because uploading files is something that the average computer user may do only occasionally, the process can be both intimidating and frustrating. So website visitors who are uploading files for purposes that range from education to entertainment will be less likely to complete the transaction if they are interfacing with a product of poor UX design.

By incorporating Filestack into your site, you can greatly improve upload UX on your website. With our File Picker, your visitors will be able to upload files from their hard drives as well as from Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive, or just about any online source. Coupled with the Content Ingestion Network, you can eliminate instances of upload failure – the UX destroyer that is guaranteed to leave a bad taste in every user’s mouth. Get started with a free trial and see for yourself.

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