Changes in User Uploads from Dropbox

Filepicker has enabled millions of file uploads via Dropbox, from your users to your website or app. Previously, these files went through a shared Dropbox API key, but for enhanced security and comply with Dropbox’s new Terms of Service, we now require all developers to enter their own Dropbox credentials.

This process will not impact your end user experience, or how you interact with Filepicker. It will only require developers to create their own Dropbox app, and enter them into the developer portal.

Files previously connected will continue to be authorized by the Filepicker shared API key, but all new files must be authenticated via each customers API key.

It is very simple, and some of our customers were doing it already – you can follow the step by step instructions below!

Update November 10, 2015: Since the publication of the post, Dropbox has made some changes to the API. For the must current information, please refer to 

If you have any questions, send a note to or call 1-866-873-0249.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Login to your Dropbox account you would like to associate Filepicker with.
  3. On click App Console
  4. Click “Create App”.
  5. Select the Dropbox API App
  6. Select Files and datastores
  7. Select No – My app needs access to files already in Dropbox.
  8. Name your App, Click “Create App”
  9. On the next page, it will show the newly created app with an App key and App secret.
  10. Navigate to the Developer Portal in Filepicker. Under the Credentials Section, click Dropbox Auth.
  11. Check checkbox and copy paste the App key and App secret into the corresponding fields. Click Save.
  12. Important! Once everything is working as expected, be sure to click the “Apply for Production” button to have your app approved by Dropbox.


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