Expanding our Worldwide Content Delivery Network to Canada…

We’re excited to announce some upgrades to our system, thanks to our Content Delivery Network (CDN) Partner Fastly.  

First, is the addition of a POP in Canada. This means visitors from Canada spend less time waiting for your content, instead of enjoying it.

Secondly, Fastly has also added capacity by expanding the POPs in New York, Boston and Chicago and Ashburn.  Ashburn is a major internet thoroughfare, with more than 70% of the world’s internet traffic passing through and major corporations and network providers maintaining around six million square feet of data center space. Coincidentally, this is where a majority of Filestack’s infrastructure is located!

This increases our CDN capacity by 8%, with more to come soon. POPs are planned for the following cities: Chennai, Columbus OH, Dubai, Madrid, Minneapolis,  Montreal, Mumbai Paris, South Africa, Tel Aviv.

Have any questions? Checkout their Fastly’s blog post.

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