Remote Storage and Cloud-Based Uploads A Perfect Fit
Recently, thedatabank integrated Filepicker into their nonprofit CRM software. We spoke to Sue Ponsford, Director of Technical and Client Services and William Naylor, Data Migration Specialist at thedatabank to find out why they chose Filepicker.
First, Here’s Some Background On The Data Bank
Sue Ponsford
Director of Technical
and Client Services
Thedatabank is an online company that caters to the nonprofit market space. The all-in-one solutions are provided in the cloud and combine fundraising, advocacy and e-communication. This includes member management, online donations, volunteer management, meetings and events, and legislative advocacy, both on state and federal levels.
Thedatabank’s nonprofit software is a combined database with tools that have grown over the years to meet their customer’s needs. The CRM started out with people and donations but has expanded functionality to their tools over the years.
Enter Filepicker
Thedatabank was looking for a tool like Filepicker for two purposes:
- Thedatabank’s solutions keep everything you need in one place, with a customized setup to meet their client needs. They were regularly getting requests to attach files to people’s records, and were looking for a way to address that need.
- Simultaneously, they were also looking for a way of handling prospective clients who needed an easy way to send their data for data migration estimates. They had been using an online file attachment tool, but it recently became unreliable.
“We’d been looking solutions for our data migration challenge,” say Sue Ponsford. “We started out by searching for products that were file transfer or file storage platforms. None of them were exactly what we needed. Most of them are designed to share files with clients, as opposed to clients sharing files with us. From that front, we looked at a couple different tools and nothing worked.”
“I found Filepicker in Hacker News,” adds William Naylor. “Typically, I’ll read Hacker News and bookmark articles on what sort of tools exist for certain tasks. I wasn’t able to find any other tools that do what Filepicker does.”
Why Filepicker Is The Perfect Fit For The Data Bank
William Naylor
Data Migration Specialist
According to William Naylor, there were two things that really made Filepicker a fit for thedatabank:
- Remote Storage: thedatabank didn’t want to store the files on their own servers. So, being able to store them on the Amazon storage platform and retrieve them from there was a great feature.
- Uploading Files From Different Locations: The Filepicker widget which allows users to get files from different locations made it more attractive than tools that just allow users to upload files from their computers.
“Filepicker just does what we need it to do,” Sue Ponsford asserts. “So many times what we’re looking for isn’t quite what exists. Since our market is a bit different, we’re often trying to put together solutions that our clients will like. This one just worked, and the integration of Filepicker with our tools was straightforward.”
Filestack is a dynamic team dedicated to revolutionizing file uploads and management for web and mobile applications. Our user-friendly API seamlessly integrates with major cloud services, offering developers a reliable and efficient file handling experience.
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