High Accuracy OCR SDK for Android Apps Using Filestack SDK

High Accuracy OCR SDK for Android Apps Using Filestack SDK

Have you ever wondered how your phone can turn a picture of a document into editable text? Thanks to Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, this is possible. Adding a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android to your app can greatly improve its features and user experience.

In this blog, we will show you how to integrate Filestack’s OCR SDK into your Android app. We’ll start with a simple setup guide and then teach you how to use basic OCR functions. We’ll share tips on getting the best results and making OCR SDK for Android run smoothly on your device.

Using a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android, you will learn how to handle different types of documents, support multiple languages, and implement real-time OCR. We will explain how to clean up the text after OCR, deal with errors, and maintain high quality. We’ll cover those needing offline OCR, too. Let’s explore how Filestack’s OCR SDK can make your Android app smarter and more useful.

How do you set up Filestack’s OCR SDK in Android?

To set up Filestack’s high accuracy OCR SDK for Android, follow these steps:

1. Adding dependencies

Add the Filestack SDK to your `build.gradle` file:

   implementation 'com.filestack:filestack-android:4.0.0'

2. Initializing the SDK

Initialize Filestack in your application:

   import com.filestack.Config;

   import com.filestack.FilestackClient;

   public class MyApplication extends Application {


       public void onCreate() {


           Config config = new Config("YOUR_API_KEY");

           FilestackClient client = new FilestackClient(config);



This basic setup integrates Filestack’s OCR capabilities into your Android app.

Filestack High Accuracy OCR SDK for Android such as klippa ocr sdk for automated data extraction

How can you implement basic OCR functionality in an Android app?

To implement basic OCR functionality using a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android:

1. Capture images

Use the device camera or select from the gallery.

2. Send images to the OCR engine

   FilestackClient client = new FilestackClient("YOUR_API_KEY");

   client.upload(filepath).thenAccept(fileLink -> {

       // Process the file link with OCR

   });   FilestackClient client = new FilestackClient("YOUR_API_KEY");

   client.upload(filepath).thenAccept(fileLink -> {

       // Process the file link with OCR


3. Handle OCR results

Retrieve and display recognized text.

4. Code snippet

   client.ocr(fileLink).thenAccept(result -> {

       String text = result.getText();



This integrates basic OCR into your Android app.

What are the best practices for optimizing OCR accuracy?

To optimize OCR accuracy in your Android app using a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android, follow these instructions:

1. Image preprocessing techniques

Apply filters to enhance image quality.

2. Handling different text orientations

Rotate the image to align text correctly.

3. Dealing with complex backgrounds

Use thresholding to remove noise and isolate text.

Code snippet

import android.graphics.Bitmap;

import android.graphics.Matrix;

public Bitmap preprocessImage(Bitmap original) {

    // Convert to grayscale

    Bitmap grayImage = convertToGrayscale(original);

    // Rotate image if necessary

    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

    matrix.postRotate(90); // Example rotation

    Bitmap rotatedImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(grayImage, 0, 0, grayImage.getWidth(), grayImage.getHeight(), matrix, true);

    // Apply thresholding

    Bitmap thresholdedImage = applyThreshold(rotatedImage);

    return thresholdedImage;


// Add convertToGrayscale and applyThreshold methods as needed

This preprocessing improves OCR accuracy by enhancing image quality and readability.

How can you enhance OCR performance on Android devices?

To enhance OCR performance on Android, optimize for different devices, and manage memory usage efficiently. Implement background processing to ensure smooth operation.

1. Optimize for devices

Adjust settings based on device capabilities.

2. Manage memory

Use efficient memory management techniques.

3. Background processing

Perform OCR in the background to keep the app responsive.

Here is the Code for Performing OCR in an Android Service for better performance:

public class OcrService extends IntentService {

    public OcrService() {




    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {

        // Perform OCR operations here using the high accuracy OCR SDK for Android



This setup ensures optimal OCR performance on Android devices.

How do you handle various document types with OCR?

To effectively use a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android, configure it to handle different document types:

1. Printed Documents

Optimize settings for clear, typed text.

2. Handwritten Text

Enable handwriting recognition for script-style writing.

3. Mixed Content

Adjust the OCR to recognize both text and images within the same document.

Here’s a code snippet to configure OCR for different document types:

FilestackClient client = new FilestackClient(new Config("YOUR_API_KEY"));

OCRParams params = new OCRParams.Builder()



// For handwritten text

OCRParams paramsHandwritten = new OCRParams.Builder()



// For mixed content

OCRParams paramsMixed = new OCRParams.Builder()



This configuration ensures accurate OCR results for various document types.

How can you support multiple languages in OCR?

To set up multi-language support with Filestack’s high accuracy OCR SDK for Android:

1. Setting up language packs

Include necessary language packs in your project.

2. Automatic language detection

Enable the SDK’s automatic language detection feature:


3. Handling multiple languages in a single document

Configure the SDK to process documents with multiple languages:

   config.setSupportedLanguages(Arrays.asList("en", "es", "fr", "de"));

Here is the Code for Implementing multi-language OCR support:

   Config config = new Config("YOUR_API_KEY");


   config.setSupportedLanguages(Arrays.asList("en", "es", "fr", "de"));

   FilestackClient client = new FilestackClient(config);

This setup ensures your app can handle OCR for documents in multiple languages seamlessly.

How do you implement real-time OCR in an Android app?

To implement real-time OCR in your Android app, follow these steps:

1. Integrate with Android Camera

Use the CameraX library for live camera preview.

2. Optimize for Real-Time Performance

Ensure efficient processing by minimizing image resolution and using asynchronous tasks.

3. Provide Instant Feedback

Display OCR results overlayed on the camera preview.

Here is the code example:

// Add CameraX dependencies

implementation "androidx.camera:camera-core:1.0.0"

implementation "androidx.camera:camera-camera2:1.0.0"

implementation "androidx.camera:camera-lifecycle:1.0.0"

implementation "androidx.camera:camera-view:1.0.0"

// Implement real-time OCR

public class RealTimeOCRActivity extends AppCompatActivity {


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



        PreviewView previewView = findViewById(R.id.previewView);

        CameraX.bindToLifecycle(this, getCameraProvider(), previewView, new Analyzer());


    private class Analyzer implements ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {


        public void analyze(@NonNull ImageProxy imageProxy) {

            // Process image for OCR and provide feedback

            // Display results overlayed on previewView





This code sets up a live camera preview with real-time OCR analysis and feedback.

What are the steps for OCR post-processing and data extraction?

For effective OCR post-processing and data extraction, follow these steps:

1. Structured Data Extraction

Extract structured data from forms and invoices using predefined templates.

2. Text Cleaning and Formatting

Clean and format the extracted text to remove noise and improve readability.

3. Confidence Scoring and Result Filtering

Assign confidence scores to OCR results and filter out low-confidence entries for accuracy.

Here is the code example:

// Example of post-processing OCR data

String ocrResult = ocrClient.extractText(image);

String cleanedText = cleanText(ocrResult);

Map<String, Object> structuredData = extractStructuredData(cleanedText);

List<String> highConfidenceResults = filterByConfidence(structuredData, 0.9);

// Functions for cleaning, extracting, and filtering

private String cleanText(String text) { /* Cleaning logic */ }

private Map<String, Object> extractStructuredData(String text) { /* Extraction logic */ }

private List<String> filterByConfidence(Map<String, Object> data, double threshold) { /* Filtering logic */ }

This ensures high-quality OCR results with structured data, clean text, and reliable outputs for scanned documents.

How do you handle errors and ensure quality in OCR processing?

To ensure high-quality OCR processing, handle low-quality images by pre-processing them to improve clarity. Implement retry mechanisms for failed attempts and provide user feedback on OCR quality.

1. Dealing with low-quality images

   // Pre-process image to enhance quality

   Bitmap processedImage = preprocessImage(originalImage);

2. Implementing retry mechanisms

   int retries = 3;

   for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) {

       try {

           // Attempt OCR processing

           String result = ocrClient.processImage(processedImage);


       } catch (Exception e) {

           if (i == retries - 1) throw e;



3. Providing user feedback

   if (result.isEmpty()) {

       showToast("OCR quality is low, please try again with a clearer image.");

   } else {

       showToast("OCR successful!");


How can you implement offline OCR capabilities?

To implement offline OCR functionality in your Android app, follow these steps:

1. Implementing offline OCR

Use a library like Tesseract for offline OCR. Add the dependency in `build.gradle`:

   implementation 'com.rmtheis:tess-two:9.0.0'

2. Managing offline language packs

Download and manage language packs manually:

   TessBaseAPI tessBaseAPI = new TessBaseAPI();

   tessBaseAPI.init(DATA_PATH, "eng"); // Set the path and language

3. Syncing results when online

Store results locally and sync them when online:

   if (isOnline()) {



Here is the code example to set up the OCR offline functionality:

TessBaseAPI tessBaseAPI = new TessBaseAPI();

tessBaseAPI.init("/path/to/tesseract/tessdata/", "eng");


String result = tessBaseAPI.getUTF8Text();


This setup enables offline OCR SDK integration, manages language packs, and syncs results when online.


Adding a high accuracy OCR SDK for Android, like Filestack’s, can greatly improve your app. This guide showed you how to set up and use Filestack’s OCR library SDK. You learned how to handle different documents, support many languages, and use real-time and offline OCR.

However, you must choose the right OCR software development kit for your Android OCR SDK application. The right API plays a huge role in deciding the success of your application’s seamless integration.

High accuracy OCR SDK for Android: FAQs

How does Filestack’s OCR SDK handle low-light or blurry images on Android?

Filestack’s OCR SDK improves image quality to handle low-light or blurry images in mobile devices.

What is the most reliable high accuracy OCR SDK for Android app development?

Filestack’s OCR feature SDK is one of the most reliable for high-accuracy OCR in Android apps with excellent SDK documentation.

How much does Filestack high accuracy OCR SDK for Android cost?

Filestack OCR pricing varies. Check Filestack’s website for details. The basic plan starts at $69 per month.

Is it safe to rely on Filestack High Accuracy OCR SDK for Android?

Yes. Filestack OCR SDK is safe and reliable with high accuracy and secure data processing.

Sign Up for free at Filestack to access the most accurate OCR feature for your application developers.


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