Filestack: New Services & Functionality for Your Apps

After releasing our MVP, we talked to many of our users to figure out what they wanted to see in our product.  As a result, over the past month, we’ve been hard at work adding new features to make your sites more powerful.  These include:

New cloud services
Pull files from new services including Gmail attachments,, and your webcam. From pulling in profile photos to pdfs, your users can now get even more value out of your application.
More powerful functionality
Save content directly to the Dropbox, Facebook, and more using our new “Save As” dialog.  Personally, I love being able to edit my photos online and save them directly to Facebook for all my friends to see
                  { modal : true },
Modal dialog
Many of you have asked us for a more seamless integration into your webpages, so we’ve made available as a modal dialog.  Check out modal in the example above
Dialog customization
So that better integrates with your site – Use your own logo and change the copy on the dialog via your developer portal.
Persistent storage
We’ll store the files the user uploads so that you don’t have to.  Serve images users upload directly from us instead of dealing with S3.


As always, if you have any suggestions about how we can help you.

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