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How To Do Angular File Upload

How to do Angular File Upload

It is easy for internet users to upload files, pictures, and videos on social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, without external aid. Then, how easy do you think it will be using Angular File Upload to upload files or information on services without help?

There are lots of frameworks for uploading files, and angular file upload is one of the latest and easiest ones to use.

Why Angular?

Angular is a web framework developed, managed, and maintained by Google. It is one of the most used JavaScript frameworks, and angular code can be reused and easily maintained. Enterprises use the Angular framework to develop their web applications.

The angular framework was developed to be a client-side framework because Angular is capable of splitting codes into different bits, making it easier for developers to use.

Angular was built to create a fast and dynamic web application that can be used to upload files.

What Is Angular File Upload?

Angular File Upload is a web framework for uploading files, videos, and photos on the server. Angular uploader comes in different modules, 2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13+.

It has many unique qualities, such as localization and multiple themes, universal angular compatibility, and a time progress bar.

The satisfactory manner of dealing with report adds in Angular is to construct one or extra custom components, relying on the supported add scenarios.

A report adds things desired to comprise internally. HTML enters a piece that lets the consumer choose one or additional documents from the report system.

Why Is Angular One Of The Best For File Upload?

Yes, it has been confirmed that the Angular framework is one of the fastest and easiest file uploaders.

How Can I Create A File Upload With Angular?

A file upload can be created with Angular using the following steps.

Create an Angular application using:

ng new angular-file-upload

Navigate around the app and enter this cd command:

cd src/app/

Create a component file upload:

ng g c file-upload/

Open an src/folder and edit the component.

Generate a service for the file upload component through command:

ng g s file-upload/

Open an src/app/file uploader and edit.

Run the command below to serve on local host:

ng serve

How Can I Upload Files With Angular File Upload?

To be able to upload your file successfully using Angular file upload, the steps below should be taken.

Install any of these apps:

Import an http module inapp.module.ts

When this is done, take the following steps.


declarations: [



imports: [



   FormsModule, // required for input file change detection


   HttpClientModule, // this is required for the actual http request


providers: [],

bootstrap: [AppComponent]


export class AppModule { }

Set up upload button and set invent in app.component.html

<div class="container"> 
 <div class="row mt-5">  
  <div class="col-md-4">   
   <div class="mb-3">  
      <label for="formFile" 
class="form-label">Upload file 
<input (change)="this.onFilechange($event)" 
type="file" id="formFile"> 
       <button (click)="this.upload()" 
class="btn btn-primary mt-3">Upload</button> 

Wait for the button to click, and send the selected file to the upload service inapp.component.ts.

import { UploadService } from './upload.service';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'app-root',
 templateUrl: './app.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
 file: File = null;
   private uploadService: UploadService
 onFilechange(event: any) {
   this.file =[0]
 upload() {
   if (this.file) {
     this.uploadService.uploadfile(this.file).subscribe(resp => {
   } else {
     alert("Please select a file first")

Set service controllers for communications and network calls through upload.service.ts this takes care of the upload process

import { Upload Service } from './upload. Service';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
@Component ({
 selector: 'app-root',
 template URL: './app.component.html',
 styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent { 
 file: File = null;
   private uploadService: UploadService
 onFilechange(event: any) {
   this.file =[0]
 upload() {
   if (this.file) {
     this.uploadService.uploadfile(this.file).subscribe(resp => {
   } else {
     alert("Please select a file first")

How Can I Upload Multiple Files?

In the browser file section dialogue, only one file is allowed to be selected by default.

But when multiple properties are used, the user can be allowed to select multiple files.

<input type = "file" class = "file-upload" multiple>

The component must contain HTML to be able to select one or multiple files

What Are The Significant Problems Developers Face With File Uploads?

The major problem is the lack of interface/resources for file upload, download and space for conversation. That is why Filestack has been making many waves in the internet space.

What Is Node.js?

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime platform developed on JavaScript’s Google Chrome v8 engine. It can be used on many platforms; Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X etc.

Generate dynamic web page content with Node.js.

It creates, opens, reads, writes, deletes, and nears documents at the server.

Using Node.js can gather and shape information.

Node.js can add, delete, and alter information on your database.


How Can You Handle Angular File Upload On The Node Backend?

How you deal with the uploaded report to your backend relies on the era you use. However, let’s provide a short instance of how to do it if the usage of Node and the Express framework.

We want to first set up the express-file upload bundle. We can then upload this bundle as a middleware in our Express application. Add the code to theapp.js file:

const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload');

const app: Application = express();


Now, all we must do is outline an Express course to address the report add requests:


export function onFileupload(req:Request, res: Response) {

let file = req['files'].thumbnail;

console.log("File uploaded: ",;



Ready To Get Started With Easy Angular File Uploads?

If you would like to examine extra information on Angular file upload, head over to Filestack and sign up for free.

Filestack is a high performing, reliable API stack to handle content ingestion, transformation, upload and delivery of millions of files.

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