How to Implement File Picker V3 with React on Node

Image Upload Metadata

With new File Picker V3, file uploading integration in your codebase has never been easier. We published the client in the npm registry so you can now say “goodbye” to the script tag within your html files when using Node.


With a Node application, you can simply retrieve and download the script by running npm command `install`:

npm install filestack-js

Or alternatively using yarn:

yarn add filestack-js

This is the same command you would use to install all the packages composing the React ecosystem. After all npm is Javascript runtime default package manager!

The Node App

For this demonstration, I will rewrite the application from my last article, Let’s See File Picker V3 in Action, in React on Node:Image Uploader Example
In this app, users still leverage Filestack API to upload and enhance their photos thanks to the pick function. Furthermore, we show the metadata of the uploaded photo:
Image Upload Metadata

Also, if you are bold enough to open the development tools in your browser you will see the app logging the current Filestack client version:

Current Filestack Version Example

Our Filestack client provides more functions than just pick. Let me show you a few more, and remember you can always dig into the official npm package here.

Moreover, the complete code of the Node app is on my github for you to clone/fork.

Now that we know how to install the package let’s see how to import it in the codebase.

React Codebase

Index.js Entry Point

filestack-js is now available in the node_modules folder so in the entry point of the app /src/index.js we can import it:

import filestack from 'filestack-js';

To initialize the client we need provide the API key within the init function:

const client = filestack.init('API_KEY');

And we have now full access to Filestack! For instance, the function version returns the version of the picker:

console.log(`You discovered the Filestack client version! ${filestack.version}`);

Checkout the complete code for /src/index.js:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom'; 
import filestack from 'filestack-js'; 
import Container from 'components/Container'; 
import '../dist/css/style.css'; 

const client = filestack.init('YOUR_API'); 
console.log(`You discovered the Filestack client version! ${filestack.version}`); 
  <Container client={client} />, 

client is passed as prop to Container, the only component for the app, as we need client to call pick and metadata.

Curious to see the code? First, let’s define the process of uploading a picture:

  1. The user clicks on the button upload and triggers setPicture.
  2. setPicture calls uploadImage which contains pick and wait for the promise to resolve. Finally, set the url in the state and consequently showed in the app.
  3. Finally, setPicture takes handle previously returned and uses it as parameter for getMetadata and store the response from the API stored in the state.

Trust me, it’s easier to read the code than describing it!

Container Component

Here is the code for uploadImage:

uploadImage = () => {
  const { client } = this.props;
  return client.pick(
      accept: 'image/*',
      maxSize: 1024 * 1024 * 2,
      transformOptions: {
        transformations: {
          rotate: true,
          circle: true,
          monochrome: true,
          sepia: true,
          crop: {
            aspectRatio: 16 / 9,

As you can see the function returns the promise from pick. Moreover, we set a few restrictions on the uploader:

  • Limit the uploader to images only.
  • 2Mb as the maximum size.
  • Users can crop their photos but the aspect ratio is gonna be locked to 16/9.

Take a look at getMetadata:

getMetadata = (handle) => {
  const { client } = this.props;
    .then(metadata => this.setState({ metadata }))
    .catch(err => console.log(err));

Since metadata returns a promise, when it resolves we set the response in the state.

Till now, we have seen the two pieces of functionality separately but thanks to setPicture we can combine them to follow the steps described above:

setPicture = () => {
    .then(data => {
      const { url, handle } = data.filesUploaded[0];
      this.setState({ url });
    .catch(err => console.log(err));

Notice .then branch, this is where the function goes when the promise of pick resolves:

The data from Filestack is destructured to catch url and handle. The first is used for showing the image while the latter is a parameter for getMetadata.

Sample File Picker in React on Node

That’s pretty much all you need to do!

See you on the next article.

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