Filepicker Plug-In for JIRA

Recently we released our Filepicker JIRA Plug-In to enable JIRA users to attach files, select profile photos, and export records using all Filepicker supported cloud sources.

The way organizations are consuming software is radically changing. Consumerization of enterprise IT is emerging as the dominant model for software adoption. Atlassian’s products: JIRA and Confluence are leading the charge on how software organizations manage their processes ranging from bug tracking to collaboration. When we looked around we saw that many users inside organizations are using services like Dropbox, Box, Evernote, Google Docs, GitHub, etc… and that it’s very painful to import those files and doucments into JIRA on laptops/desktops and near impossible on mobile devices. A lot of our customers are heavy JIRA users and kept requesting us to add a way to connect and JIRA. So we naturally extended our APIs to end users of JIRA via this plug-in.

We made it a strong focus to keep the user experience consistent so that there are no new learnings needed on the end user’s part. Equally important, we focused on making the life of the administrator simple by allowing them full control over which actions are overridden by the plug-in, and which sources/destinations are available to their JIRA users.

We hope that those of you that use JIRA will check it out and let us know what you think. If your JIRA admin has any questions or comments, we would love to hear back from them:

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