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How to Plan for Data Security in 2024

Organizations today handle more data than ever, making data protection their top responsibility. In 2024, as cyber threats become more sophisticated and frequent, businesses of all sizes are enhancing their data security measures, driven both by evolving business needs and stringent regulatory standards.

Regulatory Compliance is Becoming a Driving Force Behind Data Security

In 2024, compliance with data security regulations is not just a legal obligation but a strategic priority. Over 92% of companies have increased their security budgets due to compliance requirements. As threats diversify, staying ahead means not only meeting but exceeding regulatory standards to safeguard sensitive data effectively.

Disaster Recovery Protocols Will Increase in Importance

The rise of ransomware and other malware that encrypts or deletes critical data underscores the need for robust disaster recovery plans. Key considerations should include:

  1. Data Storage and Restoration: Deciding where to store backups and how quickly they can be accessed after an attack.
  2. Responsibility Assignment: Identifying who in the organization will manage threat detection and data recovery.
  3. Business Continuity Management: Developing strategies to minimize operational disruptions during a security incident.

Proactive disaster recovery planning enables businesses to respond to data emergencies swiftly, minimizing potential damage.

Malware is Targeting Small to Mid-sized Businesses

Small to mid-sized businesses are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals, with about 61% experiencing a cyber attack in the past year. For these companies, a single security breach can cost upwards of $2.8 billion, potentially closing down operations. Small businesses often lack robust security, making them attractive targets. Investing in comprehensive security solutions like Filestack, which scans documents upon upload, is critical for protecting their assets.

Small businesses have assets and information that are often not protected, making them clear targets for cyber criminals. While many small to mid-sized companies may not have the internal resources necessary to create their own document virus detection system, they can easily invest in a platform that scans any document upon upload, such as Filestack.

Companies Are Going to See Gaps in Labor

As cyber threats evolve, the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals outstrips supply, creating a significant labor gap. This shortage makes it difficult and expensive for companies to hire in-house IT security experts. However, leveraging advanced, third-party security platforms like Filestack can provide businesses with the necessary protection without the need for specialized in-house staff.

Organizations Need Next-Generation Protection

Modern cybersecurity solutions employ artificial intelligence to detect new and evolving threats. Traditional security measures can only recognize known viruses, but AI-enabled systems learn and adapt to detect novel threats based on behavior, not just known virus signatures.

Filestack’s advanced virus detection uses AI to analyze file uploads for unusual activities, integrating seamlessly into any organization’s existing workflows. This capability is crucial for adapting to the dynamic cybersecurity landscape.

As cyber risks escalate, so do regulatory requirements. Businesses must not only protect against attacks but also comply with an expanding array of legal standards. Solutions like Filestack simplify the integration of robust security protocols, helping organizations meet both current and future regulatory demands.

To explore how Filestack’s cutting-edge virus detection and data security solutions can benefit your business, sign up for a personalized demo today.

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