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How to Plan for Data Security in 2019

Organizations are collecting more data than ever – and it’s their responsibility to protect this data. Data security in 2019 is inevitably going to see an increased number of cyber security attacks across the board, with organizations rushing to shore up their defenses. Corporations and small businesses alike will need to take thorough and proactive measures to improve upon their data security, both in terms of business policy and technology.

Regulatory Compliance is Becoming a Driving Force Behind Data Security

Regardless of your industry, it’s possible you’re going to meet new standards of regulatory compliance for your data security. The time to investigate your compliance needs is now.

69% of companies are increasing their security spending due to issues of regulatory compliance. As organizations find themselves exposed to new and varied threats, their needs for data security change. Without regulations, many companies would not want to prioritize their data security – keeping up-to-date on cyber security issues may cost an organization both in money and time.

Disaster Recovery Protocols Will Increase in Importance

Many of the newer threats to data security involve encrypting and deleting important data. Ransomware is one of the most pervasive types of attack today, and it works solely based on the ability to encrypt (and refuse to decrypt) vital company information, leaving your file uploads extremely vulnerable. Several disaster recovery protocols should be discussed, including:

  1. Where data will be stored and how quickly it can be restored.
  2. Who will be ultimately responsible for identifying threats and restoring data.
  3. How issues such as business disruption can be managed.

By planning ahead, businesses will be able to react to data-related emergencies far more quickly. The faster viruses are detected and malicious files are dealt with, the less damage it will do.

Malware is Targeting Small to Mid-sized Businesses

Small to mid-sized businesses are the primary target for cyber security attacks, with 61% of small businesses experiencing some form of cyber attack within 12 months. On average, a cyber attack costs a small or medium sized business over $2 million. This is enough to shut a business down entirely, especially businesses that rely upon their cash flow for their continued operations.

Small businesses have assets and information that are often not protected, making them clear targets for cyber criminals. While many small to mid-sized companies may not have the internal resources necessary to create their own document virus detection system, they can easily invest in a platform that scans any document upon upload, such as Filestack.

Companies Are Going to See Gaps in Labor

With all of the threats that are being developed, some companies may be tempted to hire their own internal IT staff. Unfortunately, companies in many countries are going to see a significant gap in labor when it comes to cyber security professionals. Cyber security professionals are only increasing in demand, and there are more jobs available than there are people. When this happens, job postings become quite competitive.

It will likely be prohibitively costly for many businesses to maintain their own in-house cyber security expert to implement secure file upload best practices. However, that doesn’t have to leave them vulnerable. With the right technology and support, businesses can achieve a highly secured network without having to invest in in-house talent.

Organizations Need Next-Generation Protection

Next-generation cyber security programs are able to leverage artificial intelligence to identify malicious attacks. Without AI, cyber security programs can only identify viruses that they’ve already seen. If their database of viruses become outdated, they will not be able to identify newer exploits. In 2019, organizations will need to invest in truly intelligent, learning cyber security programs.

Filestack virus detection is able to use artificial intelligence to identify potentially malicious attacks via file uploads that are based on behavior. It’s also able to be easily integrated into any organization’s already established processes and workflows.

Quite a lot of the changes companies are likely to see are going to be legal ones. Not only are organizations more at risk of cyber attack than ever before, but regulations are changing. Third-party, all-in-one platforms such as Filestack make it easier for an organization to implement and integrate better data security processes. To uncover the advanced virus detection processes of Filestack and how they can be best for your business, sign up for a personalized demo today.

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