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Programming Fundamentals: NextJS Image

Programming Fundamentals Nextjs Image

The creation of current web applications includes a sizable amount of images. Therefore, features like React file upload or JavaScript file upload are important for modern web development. Based on how you use them, images may either enhance or detract from your apps’ development and user experiences. When used properly, images influence user satisfaction and are crucial for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) performance. Typically, the HTML <img> tag adds pictures to web pages. This could work well for straightforward use cases, but when working with a large number of images, the NextJS image component would be the optimal solution. 

What Is NextJS?

NextJS is a React framework that can create single-page Javascript pages. This can benefit the development team’s process and the clients’ application itself. NextJS mostly links itself to having a high-speed and performance framework. This enables the creation of scalable, and high-performing apps.

NextJS Image

Images are an important component of internet platforms to engage with people. It can have a significant influence on a website’s performance optimization and show how crucial user management is for driving sales in e-commerce.

A contemporary option for providing pictures in NextJS apps is the <Image/> component. Although it differs somewhat from the original HTML <img/> tag, there are similarities.

The main distinguishing feature between the two is the built-in image optimization provided by NextJS’s “Image” component, along with a variety of important features. The image component is reusable depending on the necessity, just like any other component in NextJS.

import Image from ‘next/image’
import profilePic from ‘../public/profile.webp’

const Profile = () => {
    return (
            <h1> User Profile </h1>
            <Image src={profilePic}
                alt=’user profile picture’

You can improve the performance of the <Image /> component by a variety of settings (props).

In its simplest form, the <Image /> component needs three different types of attributes: the props for src, width, and height.

Statically imported images (local image object) or a path string (remote images) to an outside absolute or relative image URL are both acceptable choices for the src image properties. 

The width and height props simply define how much room an image typically takes on a page or how large it is compared to its container. Depending on the layout setting, the width and height props may indicate the rendered or original width of the picture. Moreover, the style prop enables passing CSS to the underlying image element.

Why NextJS Image?

To achieve good core web vitals, the Next.js image component has several built-in speed enhancements. Google takes these rankings into account when determining how well users are responding to your website.

The image component has several optimizations, including greater performance, because it offers images that are the proper size for every device by using contemporary image formats. The images load only as they are in the viewport to enable faster page loads.

Performance Issue Factors

Large Images

We can resize our photos using conventional CSS to make sure they appear correctly on a particular screen. We continue to deliver the same huge image designed for a larger device on a smaller one, which is the main disadvantage of our strategy. To solve this issue, we must ensure that we send the right picture to the right device and that we use the right amount of bandwidth to enhance speed.

Image Compression

We take images from cameras in a RAW format at very high size, quality, and resolution. Although high-quality images are preferred as a print, we still use them online. This causes longer load times and a negative user experience. By compressing images, quality optimization attempts to strike a balance between visual quality and file size. But to guarantee that the supplied images are sharp enough, we also need to take the viewing device into account.

Image Loading

A browser attempts to load all the data simultaneously by nature. This results in the browsers getting occupied if an image is not given a priority to load first. Therefore, you need to load the important images first into the viewport.

Image Formats

The image format can consume priceless space. For instance, TIFF is an uncompressed format that creates a more detailed picture and includes more data. This has comparatively larger files and quite a lot of space taken. Worry not, there are less heavy formats such as JPEG and PNG that you can use as well. 

Improper Image Size

It’s critical to scale pictures correctly to prevent slow website image loading. Allowing the browser to scale pictures for you would add additional data for it to load. In other words, the complete image will still load in the browser. If you scale down the image dimensions from 2000×2000 pixels to 200×200 pixels, your browser will load 10 times more data than it needs. If you’re not aware of the image dimensions, your image can be scaled by its parent element when using the fill layout mode. 

Image Optimization Using NextJS

Page Performance

Functions like image loaders create the URL endpoints for your images. NextJS comes with its own loader by default, but you may also set up a custom loader or use third-party loaders. Depending on the screen size of the device, the default image loader will use the srcset property to build many pictures that will be provided at particular breakpoints.

Better UI/UX

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is when a website layout changes as photos are loading into the page. This causes a grating effect and is negative for the user experience. Using methods to make sure a height and width value is always set on your photos, you can prevent cumulative layout shifts. Google uses this tacit but significant SEO parameter to rank websites. Also, Transformations UI for JavaScript allows you to transform an image into a modern interface.

Faster User Experience

Only by loading an image when it is in the viewport, or visible on the screen, lazy loading is a strategy for speeding up pages. Users can expect an overall performance improvement in page load time, with the optimized image being lazily loaded. This can ultimately improve the overall user experience.

Developer Experience

Thanks to NextJS’s user-friendly API, developers may define a basic image, change it to their liking, or dig into more advanced configuration options like caching and loaders.

Moreover, developers can use an image placeholder that sets a placeholder image or blur that will be visible while the actual image finishes loading. Even if it’s just for a minute, providing something is better than providing nothing.

Multiple Image Formats

In compatible browsers, images can be provided in model formats, like WebP, and are lazy-loaded by default. NextJS uses the GoogleChromeLabs tool squoosh to convert photos to the WebP format, which is one of the most popular modern image formats. There is absolutely no manual labor involved in this operation.


Next.js allows integration cross-platform. This can help to integrate your project with software such as Filestack SDK. Filestack SDK allows you to integrate with Filestack service in just a few lines of code. The below example is the integration of NextJS using Filestack.

import React from “react”;
import { PickerOverlay } from “filestack-react”;

export default function App() {
const YOUR_API_KEY = ‘AT1H6mUwcS8O*******’
return (
    <h1>Filestack File Upload</h1>
      onSuccess={(res) => console.log(res)}
      onUploadDone={(res) => console.log(res)}

Then, in the code above, insert your API key into the YOUR API KEY variable. Go to localhost:3000 in your browser once it is open. You’ve now incorporated Filestack into your app. You may see uploaded files in your dashboard if someone uploads them using the Filestack widget.

Final thoughts

The performance of the website will be much enhanced by NextJS Image, which will also serve the images most effectively. Additionally, it enhances the developer and user experience, which is advantageous for the industry. Be sure to check out Filestack API and system that makes it easy to add powerful file uploader and transformation capabilities to any web or mobile application.

Start using Filestack by signing up for free today!

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