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Vidcaster & Filestack Integration to Video Uploads From Cloud

What do Airbnb, Zendesk, & MIT Enterprise Forum have in common?
They all leverage the power of the VidCaster platform to deploy and manage video sites. VidCaster helps marketing professionals, video professionals, and e-learning and training professionals take the pain out of creating, hosting and distributing video content. integration

Today, we joined forces with VidCaster to enable users to upload videos into the VidCaster platform directly from Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and other cloud platforms.
VidCaster and realize that users & businesses are increasingly saving videos that they care about in these cloud platforms. Being able to use that content directly in VidCaster makes for a seamless user experience. Also, iphones, iPads and Android devies are increasingly becoming the default tools that users & businesses use to shoot professional videos. Except that there is one small problem; getting these videos off the device is a clunky experience. There has got to be a easier workflow for users to save this content to the cloud and use it for their video sites.

With VidCaster’s new Video uploader users can do just that!
Check out the integration video. (Yes! its a cool little Videologue). Kieran Farr, VidCaster’s CEO and co-founder eloquently lays out the motivation behind the integration and what it would mean for their customers.

Why is VidCaster cool?

You may not realize it, but adding video content that enhances your brand’s digital presence is not easy. You have two choices.

First choice: Rely on video sharing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo where you cannot control the user experience or brand messaging. Worse still if you take a YouTube embed code and just paste it into your site, search engines actually don’t know that it’s a video and so users searching for your video will have a hard time finding it.

Second choice: Use other video players out there like Brightcove or Ooyala and wrangle with separate web design teams and content management systems for the actual websites and video pages. For people without the time or ability to make their own video site the technical headaches that come with making such a site are enormous.

But you also have a third & better choice

VidCaster provides provides the best of both worlds. By uploading a logo, selecting a theme, and making a few custom tweaks users can create complete video sites with very little hassle. It’s not just ease of use, VidCaster’s platform provides everything one might need from a video hosting solution — including advanced transcoding, one-click distribution, SEO optimization advertising and monetization, integrated analytics and customizable player pages.

If you need to build video sites you should seriously consider using VidCaster.

Oh and did i mention that adding video content to your website significantly lifts conversion rates? We need to add one at

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