How Can We Resize Images with HTML?

resize image HTML

HTML is the most popular markup language used for web page development. We can resize our images and make them look amazing with the help of HTML. When an image doesn’t fit the layout, we resize our image using HTML. A JavaScript file upload API can also help in resizing an image. But we must use resize image HTML attributes to resize images in HTML.

As we know that we must use an IMG tag for HTML purposes, we also need to implement width and height attributes. Using these tags, we can specify the width and height of our images. The values are set in the form of CSS pixels. Basic knowledge is important when using a Javascript file upload API or implementing HTML attributes.

So let’s continue reading this article till the end to explore resizing the large image.

resize image html in browser window through css width

How To Use HTML Attributes To Resize Image In HTML?

When it comes to resizing images through HTML, we can take some easy examples. Suppose we have an image with the original size of 640×960. The URL of this image is:

Now, if we want to set the width of this image to 400 and the height to 500:

<img src="" 
     height="500" />

Suppose the required width and height attributes of image elements don’t match the image’s actual dimensions. In such a case, our browser will upscale or downscale the image. But we have to remember that the exact scaling algorithm can vary. The variation in the algorithm depends on the OS and underlying hardware.

min width resizing with height properties in doctype html

Before resizing an image using HTML, we should also make it clear. The client can also resize the image through an image editor or an image quality enhancer, but it contains poor quality and slow image rendering. Therefore, we perform server-side resizing an image for various image file formats.

Use CSS To Resize Images

We can also implement resize image CSS properties to resize images in HTML, as shown in the code below:

img {
  width: 100px,
  height: 50px

use background size property to create responsive web design through various css properties

How To Preserve The Aspect Ratio When You Resize the Image In HTML?

Specifying our images’ width and height attributes may also result in losing their aspect ratio. But we can also preserve the aspect ratio of our images. In such a case, we need to specify the width while we set the height to auto. Simply put, we need to implement CSS property.

img {
  width: 600px,
  height: auto

The code written above will render a (600px) wide image. While the height is automatically preserved according to the aspect ratio of our original image. It’s not that we can only set the height of the image to auto. Because we need to follow a rule in which we implement one attribute as auto and set the size for another attribute.

But we should remember that most picture layouts are width constrained.

front end developers

How To Create A Responsive Image Using HTML?

A responsive image in HTML is one that adjusts itself according to the width property. So we need to set the width as a percentage value to make it responsive. In the previous case, we set it as an absolute number. If we set the width to 100% and height to auto, it will scale up the image.

img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

file size web pages with height property

But it can also blur our image if it exceeds the original image size. So what we need to do is to implement a CSS max-width property. We set the maximum width to 100%. So, the CSS code becomes:

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

In such a case, the image can also scale down if required, but it will not scale up.

How To Crop and Resize An Image To Fit the Area Of An Element?

In the above discussion, we explained an image’s resizing aspects. But what if we want the image to fit a particular area? Let’s also explain this concept. We know that when we set the height and width of an image to an absolute number, it forces the image to fit the given dimensions. In such a case, the original aspect ratio is also modified.

But we want to preserve the aspect ratio while our image covers the whole area. So what we need to do is implement a (background-image) and (object-fit) property from CSS.

background repeat in browser window to see max height and auto resize

Resizing Background Images By Using CSS Properties

We prefer the CSS property background image when we want to insert images on elements without using the HTML property. It is a very powerful property of CSS. We can control the cropping and resize of our images using the following attributes:

  • Background size
  • Background position

By default, the original image size is set for the background image. But we can also override this by setting the width and height using the property background size. It allows us to scale our images upward or downward.

either the height or responsive designs with no repeat class name load in body

.background {
  background-image: url("/image.jpg");
  background-size: 150px;
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border: solid 2px red;

<div class="background">

Some Possible Values Of background-size:

  1. Auto – Renders our image to full size.
  2. Length – It sets the height and width of our background image. In this case, the first value will set the image’s width, while the second value will set the height. But if only one value is assigned, the second value will automatically be set to auto.
  3. Percent – It sets the width and height of the background image according to the percentage value of the parent element.
  4. Contain – The value contain preserves the original aspect ratio while resizing the image. We implement the contain value as shown in the code below:
.background {
  background-image: url("/image.jpg");
  background-size: contains;
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border: solid 2px red;

<div class="background">
  1. Cover – The value cover helps to cover the entire container by resizing the image and preserving the original aspect ratio. The example code is given below:
.background {
  background-image: url("/image.jpg");
  background-size: cover;
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  border: solid 2px red;

<div class="background">

display resized or scaled image


When we implement web pages, we must fit images into the layout perfectly. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid client-side resizing of an image. Moreover, we should never upscale a raster image, as it can only give us a blurred image. And when we resize images using HTML, we need to set one among width and height to the auto.

We may think that why should we put effort when the user can do it alone? Well, this is just because when the user does it, the quality of an image is reduced. Therefore, we prefer resizing the images on the server side by using HTML. Moreover, there is a slow image rendering when client-side image resizing occurs. As a result, more time is consumed to download the image.

The client-side image resizing may also lead to the wastage of bandwidth. It can cost the user money as well. Finally, it also requires increased processing requirements and memory when the client resizes the images by himself. All these conditions highlight the importance of resizing an image using HTML.


How Do I Change the Size of an Image in HTML?

The simplest way to do this is to implement width and height attributes on the img tag.

How Do You Autofit Images in HTML?

We implement the (object-fit) property from CSS to autofit image proportionally in HTML.

How Do You Edit an Image in HTML?

We implement height and width attributes to edit an image in HTML.

How Do I Crop an Image Using HTML?

There are 5 ways to crop an image using HTML or CSS. These are:

  1. Using Height, Width, and Overflow CSS Properties
  2. (Object-fit) and (object-position)
  3. Calc() and padding-top
  4. CSS Transforms
  5. clip-path() Function

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