Filestack Tutorials: Securing Access to your Account and Assets

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Filestack Tutorials: Securing Access to your Account and Assets

Why Cybersecurity Matters

It’s no secret that the world around us is getting more dangerous all the time from a cybersecurity perspective – but a number of recent studies have proven that this issue may be even more severe than we originally realized.

According to one recent study conducted by the Ponemon Institute and sponsored by IBM, the global average cost of a single consolidated data breach incident hit $3.6 million in 2017. While it’s certainly true that this is a (welcome) reduction from the average cost just a year earlier, what is notable is that the size of an average breach has increased significantly. In fact, that total damage amount breaks down to roughly $141 per compromised, lost or stolen data record.

But sadly, that’s not all. Another study estimates that a hacker attacks an unsuspecting victim every 39 seconds, which is something that ultimately affects about one out of every three Americans per year. A massive 43% of those cyber attacks are said to target small businesses in particular, while 95% of ALL breached records came from just three industries: technology, retail and government.

The key thing to understand about all of this, sadly, is that the problem is only going to get worse before it gets better. In fact, cyber crime damage costs are expected to hit a massive $6 trillion annually by as soon as 2021 – up from just $3 trillion in 2015. Statistics like these are ultimately why it’s so important to secure access to your accounts and assets on Filestack. There is no such thing as a “small misstep” anymore and one mistake can cost you dearly. Any opportunity you have for additional security is one worth taking advantage of – the consequences of apathy are likely far to severe to overcome.

Luckily, there are a few key steps you can take to help accomplish precisely that. Providing training and other educational resources to your employs can help reduce the overall risk of a breach by as much as 70%. It’s not just about giving your employees the right tools. It’s about making sure they know how to use them.

Education, by the way, just so happens to be what this tutorial is all about.

Protect Your Assets

All of this may seem like bad news – and to a certain extent, it is. But for as common and as dangerous as cyber crime is, it isn’t a situation that you have to take laying down. You DO have steps that you can take to help mitigate these types of risks as much as possible – it’s just that a lot of people are currently focusing their attention on the wrong areas, solving the wrong problem at the wrong time.

That is why, at Filestack, we believe it isn’t just important to integrate Filestack into different types of apps for your convenience. You need to know how to do so in the right way to make sure that you, your data and ultimately everything you’ve worked so hard to build is as protected as it can be at all times.

Remember that by default, Filestack “apps” don’t have the “security” option enabled – which means that in the default mode, you’re already limited to the controls you have against abuse. Those controls are absolutely there – but you just need to know not only how to use them, but how to use them in the right way to guarantee the maximum amount of protection moving forward. Remember that after enabling the “security” option on your apps, your policies should have short expiration terms and limited scopes – the more specific you can get to that end, the more protected you will ultimately be.

You need to know which best practices to take advantage of to keep you and everything you’ve already worked so hard to build safe from harm.

Based on that, you’re about to learn everything you need to secure access to both your Filestack account and the mission critical assets contained inside. As you can see from the statistics outlined above, it is absolutely in your own best interest to put them to good use.

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