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How to Solve Failed Mobile Uploads

As the market for mobile uploads continues to expand, so does the potential for failure and error. The Visual Networking Index from Cisco estimates that current mobile data traffic has increased to 18 times its 2011 rate. These growth rates are still accelerating. There is still plenty of room for the market to grow — 33 percent of the half a billion mobile phone users around the world are still on 3G networks.

What Is Causing Failed Mobile Uploads?

As mobile networks become more congested, the rate of mobile upload failure becomes more prevalent. Users in rural areas demand more bandwidth and stretch the network farther than it may be prepared to go at that time. The problem will only get worse if nothing is done, especially with an accelerated rate of user-generated content increasing year over year.

Hotspot vending is fast becoming a market staple. However, many businesses do not understand the load that this kind of service will place on their network connections. Many vendors are relegated to offering paid options to keep the load on the network down. This includes hotels, motels and restaurants — places in which people would be most in need of a connection.

The same is true for companies with plenty of money as well. Starbucks quietly raised the prices of their baseline coffee products in order to compensate for the free internet it offers not only to customers but also to lurkers. Some network connections also require special air-conditioning configurations. As things heat up, so does the hardware that a company is using. If left unattended, this can cause a complete breakdown of the hardware structure that allows mobile uploads to occur within a certain network.

High Bandwidth Areas

There are even more challenges for companies located in high-bandwidth areas. Many congested cities bring together overlapping networks in an infrastructure that may become less stable over time. Many people find that they lose their signals in elevators and crowded airports even today. With the coming onslaught of even more congestion down the pike, we can expect this to occur even more as we move on.

Remote Employees

There is yet another challenge as networks spread themselves to accommodate the higher percentage of remote workers in the workforce today. These users would have only been surfing the web from a consumer standpoint in previous years. They must now use that same internet for business purposes. However, many of them are not paying for business level connections. This puts even more strain on networks and causes telecommunications companies to raise their prices to keep from giving away too much performance. Alternatively, many companies begin to throttle their users at earlier times, creating a need to upgrade that is not necessarily paid for by the parent company of the employee.

User-Generated Content

Websites that rely on user-generated content are looking at hard times ahead. If these websites do not have outstanding upload reliability, you can expect to see drastically reduced performance. This is especially true of mobile sites, which are not as rich in resources or bandwidth. However, more and more consumers and businesses are moving into the mobile space. As stated before, the mobile environment is becoming congested at a rate far more quickly than the desktop generation before it. Data is being created at an exponent to itself year over year, and networks may not be able to keep up. Does this mean that we will see mobile uploads failing in the near future?

What is the way forward for business? Filestack Intelligent Ingestion. Intelligent Ingestion monitors mobile networks, ensuring your uploads don’t fail due to timeouts or poor bandwidth. Get started for free today.

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