You have Drones. You have Data. You need Filestack.

Filestack was in attendance for our second drone show, Commercial UAV Expo, in as many months. Last month we attended Interdrone 2017, and much like that event, we found data problems loom large in the drone space. With higher efficiency batteries, rotor innovations, and lighter, more resilient bodies, drones are becoming more capable. Longer flight times are leading to new use cases, hardware innovation is helping tame poor weather conditions, and Remote Pilot License training is seeing a strong uptick based on how many companies we see specializing in certification.  

The drone market is relatively young, but here’s a few trends we are seeing:

  • Start-ups introducing drone technology to established firms
  • Incumbents in agricultural, construction, disaster relief, and energy/government adopting drones to optimize their businesses
  • Start-ups looking to disrupt incumbents with specialized drone hardware and software

It’s an exciting space to be a part of with such a ripe disruption device. I first hand witnessed what cloud computing did for startups and enterprises. Entire ecosystems grew around the cloud’s capability to help them make businesses more agile and become more cost effective. I’m not going to make the leap and say drones are as disruptive as cloud computing, but there are many similarities which will yield interesting economic developments over time. Drone funding and use cases are not slowing down anytime soon, and that means the rate of data creation, transfer, analysis, and delivery will continue to boom. The Drone Economy is real and everyone is fighting to get their piece of the pie.

Filestack Solves Upload Failure for Drones

The question quickly becomes, how do drone service providers get data (images and video) off fleets of drones to processing engines in the most reliable way on the planet? There are orthomosaics, point clouds, 3D models, and photogrammetry that customers need to run their businesses! Leading the ingestion space since 2011, trust Filestack to ensure your files get where they need to be. By partnering with drone service providers, we have a finely tuned machine that is ready to handle all your data ingestion and cloud integration needs.  

Want to learn more about how Filestack solves drone service providers needs? Check out our whitepaper on our Solutions page for Drones page. This whitepaper will help you learn about Filestack’s dynamic chunking of uploads based on network latency, geography, and device type…never experience a failed upload again.

Running your own in-house uploading solution? Wish you could make it all go away and get better performance and reliability at the same time?  Don’t DIY, API.

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