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Filestack Update: Use filestack-js in Node

This update brings many exciting improvements, including a new module for Node runtimes and full TypeScript support. After several requests from customers, you can now use filestack-js in your browser and/or your Node apps. The bottom line benefit of using filestack-js in Node is a universal library that uses the same API, client and server side, for uploads and transformations.

Module Overview

The package.json specifies two separate modules:

Node projects which depend on filestack-js will follow the main field in package.json. When building for the browser, newer tools (like Webpack, Rollup, and Parcel) follow the browser field, which will resolve to the pre-bundled ES module. Both modules follow the same API, but some methods behave differently based on their runtime. For example, client.upload treats the file argument as a file path in Node but in browsers it assumes a Blob object.

The pre-bundled browser module is also available in UMD format. This is useful if you are using script tags on a web page instead of bundling your application. It can be retrieved from both the Filestack CDN and the unpkg CDN:

Breaking Changes

Here is a list of Update 1.0.0’s breaking changes:

You can find our full changelog here, and please feel free to ask questions.


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