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Introducing Filestack Pro with Advanced Features, High Customization and Premium Support

Our goal is to ensure that our product is the perfect fit for all of our customers, from our entrepreneurs bootstrapping their startups, to our enterprise customers running websites and applications for millions of users.

In addition to our traditional self service plans, Filestack is now introducing Filestack Pro, designed for the needs of high volume, enterprise customers – who value a high level customization and premium support.

As a Filestack Pro customer, you will have access to implementation engineers to speed up integration and make sure your web app is fully optimized with Filestack’s features. Additionally, you will have an account manager for an easy, reliable contact point at Filestack. You will be able to completely customize Filestack for your app – including oAuth, CSS, and CName. We are also building out a more advanced analytics platform, so you will be able to understand the the details of you file management system in real time.

Additional Filestack Pro benefits include advanced transformations, unlimited API keys with shared resources, a reseller portal, and more. To see if Filestack Pro is right for you, talk to us at 

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