How Teachable is helping teachers make millionsRead More

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Teachable is a New York-based startup, founded by Ankur Nagpal and Conrad Wadowski The company was officially launched in February 2014. What they do: Described as the Shopify for the educational market, Teachable is an e-commerce platform that enables teachers to create their own online schools and sell the class content to students through their own personal website. […]

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Filestack adds Imgur to list of cloud sourcesRead More

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As Imgur continues to take over the image-sharing market, they have chosen Filestack to help them achieve ultimate success. Imgur – the “simple image sharer” – is now available on the ever-expanding Filestack File Uploads Dialog, enabling end-users to upload their files to any app that integrates with Filestack. Imgur has been enjoying rapid growth in recent months, and […]

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Filepicker Allows Wedgies To Upload Images From URLs For Social Media PollsRead More

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Upload Images to Wedgies Polls with Filestack

Company Wedgies Industry Polls, Social Media, Voting Use Case Is the dress white and gold, or blue and black? Why Filepicker Best documentation and API Highlights Filepicker’s documentation is clear and easy to follow URL option to upload images saves development time According to Wedgies, the Internet says the dress is white and gold About Wedgies […]

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Is CDN the answer to file overload?Read More

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The more images, the better. And have another million or so additional files that will create the best-looking, most interactive and profitable site ever. Just upload and let the cash roll in. It’s that easy. Or so believes the creative people in your business. They may know the trigger points – images, social profiles, downloadable […]

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Why you should be entering HackathonsRead More

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Photo Hack Day NYC Ad

Competition brings out the best in products and worst in men. Or so said David Sarnoff, the guy credited with developing the communications industry in the U.S. There are many on ChallengePost – the platform that powers online challenges and in-person hackathons – that may have a different view on Sarnoff’s statement. Including many of […]

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Filepicker at BoxDev 2015Read More

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We had a great time sponsoring BoxDev 2015 yesterday at Fort Mason, San Francisco Yesterday! Highlights of the day were hearing Marc Benioff and Eric Schmidt speak with Aaron Levie. Box also announced  Developer Edition, a platform for developers to build applications. Filepicker’s booth was busy – and our feet definitely hurt at the end […]

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One Hour Translation Reduced Its File Upload Support Calls To Zero Thanks To FilepickerRead More

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One Hour Translation Home

Company One Hour Translation Industry Human translation Use Case No customer complaints about file uploads after integrating Filepicker Why Filepicker Allows for file uploads above 30 megabytes, one-stop upload shop Highlights Filepicker is the most documented upload service out there Sophisticated uploads to S3 buckets requires a real upload business Eliminates support calls, developer time […]

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OpenWater Uses Filepicker To Upload Hundreds Of Thousands Of VideosRead More

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OpenWater Awards Navigation

Company: OpenWater Industry: Awards, competitions, recognition programs Use Case: From 7% of customers having upload problems to virtually none. Why Filepicker: Filepicker saved OpenWater’s business Highlights Early adopter of Filepicker Option to upgrade and downgrade with seasonal usage Filepicker handles hundreds of thousands of video uploads for OpenWater during peak awards season About OpenWater Based in Washington, DC, OpenWater […]

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Filepicker at Box Dev 2015Read More

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Filepicker & Box

We are proud to announce that we are sponsoring Box Dev 2015 in San Francisco April 22nd! This year is looking exceptionally good, with Eric Schmidt, Marc Benioff and our very own Jason Toy as 3 of their 20 speakers. Come join us and over 1,500 developers for the second Box developer conference. We have 10 […]

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Class Dojo uses Filestack to eradicate obstacle of uploading and scaling imagesRead More

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Liam and Sam at ClassDojo

Company: ClassDojo Industry: Education Use Case: Thousands of image uploads Why Filestack? Saves on developer time and resources and enhances user experience Highlights Quick and easy implementation of Filestack tool and reduced developer time Ease of uploading files encourages users to sign-up to service Images are configured to ClassDojo’s guidelines while ensuring conformity across the […]

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Wishbone Crowdsources Scholarships For Low-Income High School Students With The Help Of FilepickerRead More

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Wishbone Homepage Fund Students

Mike Potter heard of Filepicker by word-of-mouth through one of his developer friends. He used Filepicker on other projects, so now it became his go-to utility for uploading, formatting, resizing and cropping images. Since Filepicker already built a back-end for image uploads, it was the obvious choice to use in different areas of the Wishbone site that required different sized avatars.

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CloudApp and FilepickerRead More

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Filepicker is proud to announce a new partner integration – CloudApp! Filepicker’s killer feature is enabling developers to allow file uploads from wherever users store their data. CloudApp is the definitive app for quickly and easily sharing files and screenshots. This makes the integration such a powerful one. Now that CloudApp is a source, any […]

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Filepicker in 1751 citiesRead More

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Recently we were digging through Intercom, and we stumbled upon this cool new page: a share map of all the users we have! It shows that we have customers in 1751 cities, in 122 countries. We’re really proud to work with our customers who have brought us on this journey. Cheers! From the Filepicker Team

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Filepicker Helps WeMontage Convert Users To Paid CustomersRead More

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WeMontage is the world’s only website that will let you take your pictures and images and turn them into a large collage printed on removable wallpaper. They use a high-tack removable adhesive that will adhere and re-adhere to both textured and non-textured surfaces without damaging walls. It won’t tear or stick to itself during installation, and […]

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Filepicker year in reviewRead More

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As we approach the end of the year, it’s important to look back and review everything you’ve done. When we look back and see all the improvements made to Filepicker it’s quite a long list! We made lots of customer and user facing improvements, but we have also made significant infrastructure improvements to keep up […]

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Codementor Provides Expert 1-To-1 Support With FilestackRead More

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Founded only a year ago by Weiting Liu, Codementor now has a team of half a dozen people. Codementor is a live 1-to-1 help marketplace that makes it easy for developers across all levels of expertise to connect with experts via screen-sharing, videos and chat. Industry Software Development, Expert Mentoring Location Mountain View, California Filepicker […]

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Android Featuring Amazon Cloud Drive IntegrationRead More

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Features of Filepicker The library we’ve built is meant to help anyone building an Android app to allow uploads from many different cloud storage services simply by referencing our library into your project. You can find all the features of Filepicker’s newest release in Filepicker’s GitHub changelog. Streamlining Development with Amazon Cloud Drive Integrations Below […]

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Changes in User Uploads from DropboxRead More

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Filepicker has enabled millions of file uploads via Dropbox, from your users to your website or app. Previously, these files went through a shared Dropbox API key, but for enhanced security and comply with Dropbox’s new Terms of Service, we now require all developers to enter their own Dropbox credentials. This process will not impact […]

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Our Fave Code Editor: viRead More

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From vi To Emacs, It’s All About Your Philosophy Based on our experience, we haven’t found a huge difference between Emacs and vi code editors. We’ve switched between Emacs and vi a few times, and find that vi is more in sync with our thinking style, because it’s easier and faster to get familiar with. […]

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Exosphere 2014 Mission ReleaseRead More

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Thanks to everyone who came out to Exosphere 2014! It was a great turnout, and good times were had by all. Participants who were in Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent were invited by, Storm Ventures, and Filepicker to attend the shuttle launch. On Wednesday, November 12th, at approximately 18:30 Pacific Standard Time (PST), […]

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Filepicker acquires OneTimeBoxRead More

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Filepicker is excited to announce the acquisition of OneTimeBox. OneTimeBox allows people to quickly and easily share files without the hassle of making accounts and experiencing lengthy wait times. Its incredible simplicity and strong execution align well Filepicker’s vision. OneTimeBox was built by Oliver Song at HackMIT. Over the past year, it has steadily grown to […]

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This Should Make You Happy: Filepicker Announces Webhooks BetaRead More

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Despicable Me Giphy

When we created Filepicker, we made it simpler for apps, services and devices to work together. Instead of implementing APIs from every possible cloud storage environment, the Filepicker API grabbed content updates from almost anywhere. Still, getting all of those user updates was resource-intensive. Because apps had to poll for changes, many companies had to […]

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Filepicker at API WorldRead More

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Last week was a busy one for Filepicker! We got the team together from Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Europe. DataWeek + API World 2014 Conference & Expo is San Francisco’s largest Data + API conference of 2014 – with 100+ talks and interact with 200+ new data & API technologies. If you had a […]

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