A how and why primer on video transcoding: Webm to H.264 and moreRead More

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Filestack Transformation URL Architecture

Rendering videos seamlessly across browser types is often an arduous process for developers. It is important to consider the format and codec of a video file. Different browser types support different video codecs, which means that you need to provide multiple formats to ensure that your video renders on all browsers.   Browser Video Codec Audio […]

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AWS S3 vs Azure vs Google storage market share: what we seeRead More

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At Filestack, we handle millions of uploads monthly for developers around the world.  Developers are storing their files anywhere from their local machines, and or across multiple cloud drives such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Dropbox depending on their needs.  With this data, we’ve been able to draw some pretty interesting trends… What is the Most […]

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Create Profile Pictures with NodeJS, JQuery & Google MDLRead More

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In this tutorial, we will walk through using Filestack’s API to upload avatars for applications. Filestack’s team strive provide more and more sophisticated algorithms to manipulate images: This is not just for filtering or image transformations but rather to provide a complete API for users to ease app development. This is actually not the first time we […]

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How to Build an Instagram Clone with React, Node.js and ReduxRead More

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Today, I will demonstrate how to create an Instagram clone – in which you can upload files, apply image filters, and share your photos with the world. I will use  React, Node.js, and Redux, as well as Filestack to power the app’s file uploading and image processing functionality. To create an Instagram clone, you need to: Implement a file […]

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Secure File Uploads with Filestack using Pug and Node.jsRead More

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We are finally discussing one of the hottest features of our API – Security. In the previous list of tutorials we have seen Filestack implemented for different use cases (image galleries, responsive images, facial detection and manipulation, and more), with all integrations having one commonality: They are done in the front-end, so any person with basic […]

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Drag and Drop Files Into Your App, Like Slack (Demo in Jquery)Read More

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Slack recently announced new file sharing functionality.  Now, Slack users can easily share content by dragging and dropping files, or by accessing files on native and outside services, including Dropbox, Box and Google Drive. Drag and Drop File Uploads:   Native and Outside Service Files: Slack’s announcement made our geeky file-sharing-enthusiast hearts burst with joy […]

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Detect & Blur Faces to Create a “Guess Who” Game with Node.js & ReactRead More

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A Guess Who game?! Have you ever thought about integrating Filestack into a game? Today I am going to challenge you guys… During the past months, I have been writing posts to showcase different scenarios where Filestack comes in handy: We have seen more than once how Filestack handles pictures upload to help us create several […]

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How To Make An Image ResponsiveRead More

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Optimized Image Stack Gallery

Users are now accessing our websites from tons of different devices.  The idea of using a PC as the only source for surfing the net sounds like the Stone Age, doesn’t it?  Obviously, different devices mean different screens, different screens mean different sizes and so forth. To put it simply, one of our challenges as […]

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How to Collage Images in Your Code to Make Beautiful PostersRead More

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As I never tire of repeating –  Filestack shines when it comes to manipulating images. My last post on image enhancements demonstrates the depths and magnitude of our transformations, and this post will continue down the images path to make a new app for creating photo collages. And by the way, when you are ready to turn your app into a business, […]

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Enhance Images in your AppRead More

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Here at Filestack, we are never done developing.  As the Internet and general technology are constantly evolving, our mission to apply new functionality to our files management API is forever growing. It is with great pleasure that I am showing you the newest available feature for our Filestack Pro clients: We just released a set of Image Enhancements built […]

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How to Create an Image Gallery with FilestackRead More

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In the last tutorials, I gave an overview of Filestack’s ability to manipulate documents and audio files: We built a fanfiction website to showcase documents and a soundstack-like app to show the powerful audio transcoding function of Filestack’s API.  Nonetheless, I often highlight Filestack’s value when it comes to uploading and manipulating pictures, so it’s […]

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Simpler URLS for Filestack TransformationsRead More

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Graduation Pictures

No longer do you need to include your Filestack API key in your file URL when transforming images, videos, audio files, or documents. As long as the file you are transforming has a Filestack URL or handle, you can now simply write (https://process.filestackapi.com) / (desired transformation parameters)/ the file handle or URL. The Old Way (which […]

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Increase Signups by more than 30% with Slack OAuth IntegrationRead More

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Filepicker Upload File Dialog Preview

When we launched Filestack, our goal was to make the normally complicated process of managing end user content ridiculously easy. So we built a files API  for developers to help end users upload files from over 20+ cloud sources (think Facebook, Dropbox, Instagram–all the places where we actually store files these days). Devs can then apply hundreds […]

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Instagram API changes – Our problem not yoursRead More

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On June 1st, Instagram started to enforce new policies to their platform. Now, all applications that have not already gone through their recertification process are being moved to the developer’s sandbox and cut off from public availability. Fortunately, Filestack confirmed its place as an authorized application early enough that our platform will continue to function […]

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A Great API Usurped by a Mobile SDKRead More

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Last week Mapquest announced the release of their iOS and Android SDK, as well as the end of their Javascript Maps API, signalling their full commitment to the mobile application ecosystem. More and more users access the web via application. As a result, developers are relying on 3rd party SDKs to deliver core functionality to […]

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Login via Github, Google, or SlackRead More

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Screenshot of OAuth Login

Just a quick update that we have added OAuth integration to our Developer Portal. You are now able to register or login to manage your Filestack apps using your Github, Google, or Slack credentials. If you are already a Filestack user and would like to link one of these OAuth accounts, simply go to the Account Settings page by […]

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Building an ASCII Posters Store With Snipcart & FilestackRead More

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Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Charles Ouellet, the Co-Founder & Lead Engineer of SnipCart. Here he demonstrates how to easily create an online ASCII poster store using Filestack and Snipcart. When we launched Snipcart, our shopping cart platform, we decided to build something we, as developers, would love to use. Something that would make our […]

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Filestack Users are Not Susceptible To ImageMagick VulnerabilitiesRead More

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Posted on

On May 3rd, 2016, security researcher Stewie with assistance from Nikolay Ermishkin disclosed a vulnerability in ImageMagick which could be used to allow remote execution of code. This vulnerability has left millions of websites vulnerable to hackers, as hackers can upload malicious files through any file uploader, and then execute commands to take over the system. For example, […]

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Introducing Filestack Pro with Advanced Features, High Customization and Premium SupportRead More

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Our goal is to ensure that our product is the perfect fit for all of our customers, from our entrepreneurs bootstrapping their startups, to our enterprise customers running websites and applications for millions of users. In addition to our traditional self service plans, Filestack is now introducing Filestack Pro, designed for the needs of high […]

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Image Transformations: One Image, Infinite PossibilitiesRead More

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We tend to use the line “one image, infinite possibilities” when talking about Filestack’s image transformations. Our on-the-fly transformation of delivered images allows customers to serve a single image in an almost infinite number of variations without ever changing the original file. To show how easy it is to use our powerful image transformations in your app, I took one picture and served it […]

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Google Announces: “Moving on from Picasa”Read More

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Google announced today that “after much thought and consideration” they are retiring Picasa to focus on building “amazing experiences and features” around their Google Photos services. Picasa users will continue to have access to their photos for the foreseeable future. Google will cease supporting Picasa’s desktop application on March 15, 2016. Other changes to Picasa […]

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The Right Widget For The Right WorkflowRead More

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Upload or Ingest Files Easily with Filestack

Filestack’s mission is to provide a powerful, easy to use, end-to-end file management solution for application developers. There’s little doubt that our platform makes it exceptionally easy to upload, store, transform and deliver your application’s images and other files. But to provide true ‘end to end’ simplicity means we also have to make it exceptionally easy […]

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An Introduction to FilestackRead More

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Like most SaaS businesses, describing what we do can be a challenge. In the past we’ve used a number of terms to describe what Filestack is (and isn’t) with varying degrees success and completeness. One of the key reasons we felt compelled to transition the company from Filepicker to Filestack was to expand the focus […]

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iOS Library v5.1.0 ReleasedRead More

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We’re happy to announce that the latest version of our iOS Library, 5.1.0, is now available from CocoaPods. The latest version removes iOS 9 deprecated codes and libraries. Among the iOS 9 code that was removed is the ALAssetsLibrary which provided access to photos and videos under control of the Photos application, but has been […]

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Future Proofing UPLOADS with FilestackRead More

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Uploading local files without Filestack is about to take three steps forward…and two steps backwards. In a continued effort to rid the Web of flash, Mozilla has been working with Microsoft on a proposal that would provide directory picking and directory drag-and-drop, which sounds like a good thing. However, due to the potential for performance […]

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Totally revamped Filepicker dialog!Read More

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We’re excited to announce a brand new version of our dialog! Dialog version 2 comes with many new features and lots of improvements. Working on the new version we focused on better user experience and speed. That’s why we have implemented client side image compression, background upload and a new responsive design.  All new dialog features are available with […]

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Google launches Nearline with Filestack as a launch partnerRead More

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This morning, Google Cloud Platform launched Nearline, a cold data storage offering. Filestack is proud to be a launch partner, with the likes of Actifio, Symantec, Iron Mountain, and more. What is Google Cloud Storage Nearline? Nearline is a cold storage offering that is highly available with affordable pricing. While typical cold storage only provides […]

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