Upload File on Website: Quick Tips to Upload Different File TypesRead More

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A person using a smartphone and a laptop

File upload is a crucial feature of websites and web apps. Users can upload files like images, videos, job application documents, blog images, product images, PDF documents, or audio files. However, uploading files can be challenging and time-consuming due to server limitations, network bandwidth, and speed issues. Security is also essential when uploading or accepting […]

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What Is OCR Data Extraction?Read More

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Filestack OCR

Businesses of all sizes handle different types of documents daily, including handwritten, printed, and digital documents. They often need to extract data from such documents to make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and improve business processes and operations. For example, when a bank offers loans, borrowers must submit different documents, such as salary slips, bank […]

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Enhance React Performance Optimization With Filestack APIRead More

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A developer is checking on Filestack React performance optimization on her laptop

React is one of the most popular open-source JS frameworks for developing feature-rich and scalable web apps quickly. It provides an efficient development environment to create attractive and responsive user interfaces (UIs) using pieces of code called components. Developers love React components because they are modular and reusable. This means you can quickly create multiple […]

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An Easy File Upload React Tutorial for Modern DevelopersRead More

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Filestack file uploader

React is a popular front-end JavaScript library that offers a wide range of features to speed up the web development process. Using React, developers can quickly create high-performance, scalable web applications with dynamic UIs. While React is easy to learn, many developers face issues with React file upload. For example, some developers find it challenging […]

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Bring out the Best in Your Photos with an Image EnhancerRead More

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A picture showing an original image and the enhanced image

In today’s digital world, images are everywhere. Every day, thousands of people click photos of their valuable moments with their smartphones and cameras. Businesses also use images on their websites and web apps to communicate information with customers and improve user experience. Naturally, everyone wants high-quality photos. However, we often face poor photo quality issues, […]

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Top 18 Cloudinary Alternatives: Analysis And ComparisonRead More

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Filestack - Cloudinary alternative

Cloudinary is a cloud-based (SaaS) image and video processing and management solution. It allows users to upload images to the cloud, store, and manage them. Additionally, users can also quickly transform images to different formats and dimensions and apply filters and image enhancements. All in all, Cloudinary is an end-to-end solution for developers that helps […]

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15 Best Image File Types (Benefits, DrawBacks, and Use Cases)Read More

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A person using a smartphone

In today’s digital world, visual content like images plays a crucial role in providing an excellent online user experience. Almost every company uses images on their web platforms to communicate to their customers, attract users’ attention and improve user engagement. Some web platforms, like social media sites, also enable end-users to upload images through React […]

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AngularJS Component Library: The 2022 GuideRead More

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AngularJS Component Library: The 2022 Guide

Angular is among the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks that allow you to build interactive and scalable single-page web applications. It is essentially a TypeScript-based, open-source framework with a component-based architecture. When you’re using Angular to develop your web apps, you can split the UI (user interface) into separate and reusable components. You can also […]

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Angular vs. React: A Comparison GuideRead More

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Angular vs. React: A Comparison Guide

Angular and React are front-end JavaScript frameworks that allow developers to speed up the web development process. Both these frameworks have quite a few similarities and differences. For example, both Angular and React allow users to create interactive and scalable web apps, are open source, have component-based architecture, etc. Additionally, both allow file uploads – […]

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Components Of Next JS ImageRead More

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Different devices showing the same image

Next JS – or Next.js – is a React-based JavaScript framework that lets you create beautiful and fast static websites and web applications. You can use it to develop websites for different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Some of the most popular features of Next JS include hot reload, server rendering, and automatic code […]

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List Of Common Image File TypesRead More

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A person viewing several images on the web

In today’s digital era, visual content, such as images, has become an integral part of enhancing the online user experience. This is because images are known to attract users’ attention and improve user engagement. However, adding images to your website or web app isn’t enough. You need to optimize them the right way. Uploading large […]

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