User testing at startupsRead More

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First let’s set some boundary conditions for this post. It is meant for early stage tech startups with limited resources embarking on their first usability testing experiment. Yes, usability testing is important. But performing usability testing at an early stage startup is hard. Best practices from larger companies with dedicated product managers do not carry […]

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A Paradigm Shift in Cloud StorageRead More

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Very recently, without many people realizing it, there’s been a major shift in the way that software companies treat cloud storage services like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive etc. Online storage is starting to become a primary hard drive for users rather than a secondary. We’ve been seeing it in the rapid pace of our growth […]

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Startup EventsRead More

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It has been said you should enter a business plan competition at most once. Steve Blank wouldn’t even go that far. Most startup events are similar, particularly around universities – going to more than one can be dangerous in that it creates a false sense of accomplishment. Don’t get me wrong, these events are fun, […]

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How to land a big fishRead More

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Startups often want to sign up well recognized brands as customers. It increases the credibility of their own brand and provides social proof to their smaller customers. However, the sales approach that worked for a smaller customer doesn’t always work for a larger one. This post details a situation where I failed to recognize the […]

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Chrome Extension: Attach Cloud Files to Gmail with FilestackRead More

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In trying to help a friend get more storage space during the Dropbox Space Race, Alex Milouchev built something really cool: a Google Chrome extension for attaching your files anywhere on the web to Gmail. Using, Alex’s Chrome extension (christened Cloudy) allows you to attach your files from Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr, Google Drive, etc. […]

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When you learn your customers aren’t just API callsRead More

Read more helps mobile and web application developers directly integrate with the user’s files in multiple cloud storage platforms. We save developers time because they don’t have to write custom code for file upload and file management. tl;dr: When doing customer development it’s valuable to focus on the non-work related persona of the customer. Since we […]

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Hacking a File API onto IE8Read More

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With the release of our Javascript API, we’ve had a number of people ask how in the world we were able to make a cross-browser solution for reading, writing, and storing files in javascript, especially with IE8. It’s fun stuff, so I wanted to share with the community how we did it. Warning: what follows […]

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Vidcaster & Filestack Integration to Video Uploads From CloudRead More

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What do Airbnb, Zendesk, & MIT Enterprise Forum have in common? They all leverage the power of the VidCaster platform to deploy and manage video sites. VidCaster helps marketing professionals, video professionals, and e-learning and training professionals take the pain out of creating, hosting and distributing video content. integration Today, we joined forces with […]

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Keep your tools sharpRead More

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When you are part of a small team at a fast-growing company like, there is a constant push to focus only on the immediate task at hand, to Get Things Done. This focus is incredibly important, and many fledgling companies fail because they try to do too many things before they’re ready. On a […]

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How to hire a sales person?Read More

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First, let’s set some boundary conditions. This post is targeted at tech startups that are looking for an execution focused, front-line sales person. is a good example of this kind of a company. This post is not about bringing on a business co-founder or hiring your first senior business person. I have seen similarities […]

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Filepicker+Opentok=video apps that save to the user’s cloudRead More

Read more’s goal is to connect the user’s files, photos and videos to the applications that need them. Recently we have seen an increased demand from our customers for additional video functionality. So we partnered with Tokbox’s Opentok API to make that happen quickly. Introducing Opentok: A Cloud-Based Video API Opentok is a flexible cloud-based API […]

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Nobody will win the storage warRead More

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Dropbox and Box have just been crushing it in the online storage space. Those before them had failed, largely because they focused on backups, rather than the true benefit of the internet, collaboration. As a founder who is working on connecting web applications to cloud storage, I’m often asked who is going to win […]

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What hackers don’t know about businessRead More

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The hackers in the valley have managed to convince all the business majors that learning to code is important; Coding is a prerequisite for communicating with your programmers or to attract a good technical co-founder. At, we have found ourselves debating about this quite often. However, I also want to argue the reverse, that […]

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A Day without ProgrammingRead More

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If you are a programmer working on a startup, force yourself to spend a day working where you don’t write any code. Seriously, do it, and make it a habit. You and your company will be greatly benefited. The time’s I’ve done it here at have paid off in spades. Here’s the thing: I […]

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Passing PointersRead More

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A number of developers have asked recently why passes around everything as URLs, and to me the better question is why more serivces don’t pass everything around as URLs. For any object of substantial size, passing around a reference to the object is far more reasonable and resource efficient than passing around the object […]

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HN Prefers Vi over EmacsRead More

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Recently on Hacker News, two posts about in-browser editors with cloud storage integration (shameless plug: both via reached the front page: one for vi and one for emacs. Follow the discussion on HN Here are the statistics for both posts: Show HN: Emacs in the browser with Dropbox, GDrive, Github, etc. 17 points, 5 […]

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5 Hacks from Photo Hack Day 3Read More

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High energy, high quality and high stakes. Photohack day 3 was all of that and more! Follow the discussion on HN Photohack day 3 was the first edition on the west coast of the increasingly popular Photohack day hackathon put together by Aviary and its partners (Facebook, Dropbox, 500px, Samsung, Walgreens, Sincerely, Flickr, Flashphoto, Fujifilm, […]

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Why Files ExistRead More

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Whenever there is a conversation about the future of computing, the discussion inevitably turns to the notion of a “File.” After all, most tablets and phones don’t show the user anything that resembles a file, only Apps that contain their own content, tucked away inside their own opaque storage structure. This is wrong. Files are […]

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Project Ideas – Send a faxRead More

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Keep ‘em coming has been what you’ve asked for, so here we are again: another inspiration for a service we’d love to see built using In some ways, this idea is similar to the last Inspirations post on printing cloud photos using, but in a different domain: Send a fax from Ideally […]

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Project Ideas – Print PhotosRead More

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We heard a number of people say how much they liked our last Project Ideas post on a and Pixlr mashup, so we’ve got another idea for you: Print Photos Directly from the Cloud We at now actually have most of our personal photos uploaded to the cloud, between Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, stuck […]

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Mimetypes versus ExtensionsRead More

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Over the last few days we’ve had some conversations here at Filestack about how content types will be identified in the future, whether we will still all be using extensions on filenames like .txt or whether mimetypes are the way forward. If you want to brush up on mimetypes, the wikipedia article is great. Here’s our […]

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